Sunday, October 30, 2011

Congolese Singing

On October 30, 2011, during 10:30 worship at Community United UCC, a Congolese worship song is sung in Lingala (Ngala), a native language from the northwest part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This video is also available on YouTube.

Cy King recounts CUCC's long history of social action

On October 30, 2011, during 10:30 worship, Cy King presented a historical overview of social action at Community UCC. This presentation was requested by the Stewardship MinistryCy King recounts CUCC's long history of social action.

Robert Parrish - Children's Sermon

This children's sermon, on the topic of Halloween, was delivered by Robert during the 10:30 worship service on October 30, 2011, and was filmed by Lavon Page.

This video is also available on Youtube.