Friday, February 21, 2014

Carolyn and Cy King Peace and Justice Awards - Feb. 9, 2014

In June 2012 Carolyn and Cy King were presented with a special award for their service in the cause of peace and justice. The video from that occasion is available in this archive. Following that event, an annual award was established in their names. Carolyn died in the fall of 2012, but Cy was present in February 2014 for presentation of the annual award for 2014 to Bill Towe, Slater Newman, and Peg and Mac Hulslander.

A special song that Cy loves is "Precious Lord, Take My Hand." Julia Robertson, Tim Jensen, and Mike Schafale sang the song for Cy at the Feb. 9, 2014, awards ceremony. And they ended the service with a brief version of "What Does the Lord Require of You?.

Precious Lord, Take My Hand

What Does the Lord Require of You?